Graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and professionals in the sciences throughout academia, industry, and government are invited to join us at The Master’s University for a time of fellowship and encouragement as they pursue fidelity to Christ and Scripture in their scientific vocations.
Unlike traditional gatherings for Christians within the sciences, the Math3ma Symposium is not primarily a venue for apologetics or the topic of origins, per se. Instead, we invite faithful Christians working in a variety of scientific disciplines — whether in academia, industry, government, or elsewhere — to join us for a time of dialogue, discussion, and the opportunity to meet new friends.
In today’s climate, we especially understand that some professionals may feel isolated in their home institutions around the world. By inviting them for a time of refreshment at The Master’s University, we hope to help strengthen and recharge them through fellowship in their line of work.
The target audience is intentionally broad and includes graduate students, professors, research scientists, software engineers, data scientists, medical professionals, and much more!