This article is adapted from Dr. Abner Chou's talk at the third annual TheoTech conference at The Master's University on October 28, 2023.
As artificial intelligence (AI) arises, our goal must be to capture it, like all
subjects, to the lordship of Christ. To do so, we can approach the matter
from two directions: biblical labels and biblical theology. In labeling
science and artificial intelligence biblically, Scripture distinguishes human
intelligence from divine wisdom. The former is a deficient derivative of the
latter. Biblical theology reinforces that such derivative intelligence produces
that which seem innovative but often actually are short-sighted, against
God, and destructive. This eschatologically culminates in the generation
of an entire false system of religion, which marvels at an image of the
Antichrist. Such an image is in the image of man and not God, and so that
animated image does not have divine wisdom nor even human intelligence,
but a derivative or artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence is a
derivative of intelligence, which itself is a derivative of divine wisdom, Al is
a derivative of a derivative. The response to this is not fear but faithfulness.
We are to continue to do science for God's glory, reflecting His glory back
to Him, and being salt and light in the field. Along that line, we also should
not be carried away by people's excitement about new discoveries but look
at them with biblical sobriety. That way, we work on things not in human
intelligence but wisdom.