Registration is open!
Graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and professionals in the sciences throughout academia, industry, and government are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and encouragement as they pursue fidelity to Christ and Scripture in their scientific vocations.
The Journal of The Math3ma Institute is a new scientific periodical that aims to reach wide audiences by publishing expository articles on original research across all STEM disciplines. Our latest article, published in January 2025, is "Biblical Wisdom on Aritificial Intelligence" by Abner Chou.
The Math3ma Institute is an extension of the mathematics blog, established in 2015. The word "math3ma" is a twist on the Greek word mathema (μάθημα) which means "a lesson" — something learned.
It relates to both mathematics and mathetes (learner, pupil), a Greek word in the New Testament that refers to disciples or followers of Jesus.
Math3ma represents the overlap of the two. It reminds us of those who are committed to following the Lord Jesus Christ as they learn about and engage with His creation in the sciences and mathematics.