The Sanctity of Human Life
Tara Sander Lee, PhD
Former VP and Director of Life Sciences,
Charlotte Lozier Institute
The Sanctity of Human Life Confirmed in Scripture and Unveiled in Science
July 2024
There is inherent dignity and value in every human life. This truth has been revealed to us in God’s Holy Word and is supported by science. Human life and development are a continuum. It is a life-long process, which begins at conception and ends with death. A one-day-old human, called a zygote, is the same little girl or boy that grows into an eight-week-old embryo, a 15-week-old fetus, an infant, a toddler, a teenager, and an adult. Being in the earliest stages of human development does not disqualify an individual from being a genuine human being, nor should they be disregarded and considered as having less worth. And yet, the preborn are often regarded as not real human beings, providing justification for heinous activities, discrimination, and exploitation. Induced abortion at all stages of pregnancy, for any reason, is still happening on a large scale in this country. In addition, many girls and boys are specifically targeted for abortion just because they have been prenatally diagnosed with a fetal anomaly or severe condition such as Down syndrome or Trisomy 18. The topic of when life begins spans across many disciplines and can impact Christians at many levels in the areas of reproduction, biomedical research, and medical therapies. Many Christians who care deeply about human life and seek to do God’s will are struggling when it comes to making important decisions related to beginning of life. How do we as Christians approach sanctity-of-life topics in our culture, in our church and community when they impact us, our loved ones, and fellow believers in Christ? This essay dives into the sanctity and science of human life and fetal development, to equip and educate the church when applying such truths in the real world.